The Bolivian Naval Force (Fuerza Naval Boliviana in Spanish), formerly known as the Bolivian Navy (Armada Boliviana) is a branch of Military of Bolivia. As of 2008, the Bolivian Naval Force had approximately 5,000 personnel. Although Bolivia has been landlocked since the War of the Pacific in 1879, Bolivia established a River and Lake Force (Fuerza Fluvial y Lacustre) in January 1963 under the Ministry of National Defense. It consisted of four boats supplied from the United States and 1,800 personnel recruited largely from the army. Bolivia's naval force was renamed the Bolivian Naval Force (Fuerza Naval Boliviana) in January 1966, but it also has been called the Bolivian Navy (Armada Boliviana). It became a separate branch of the armed forces in 1963. Bolivia has large rivers that are tributaries to the Amazon which are patrolled to prevent smuggling and drug trafficking. There is also a Bolivian Naval presence on Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world, across which runs the Peruvian frontier.
Landlocked Bolivia has not become reconciled with the loss of its coast to Chile, and the Navy exists to keep the hope of recovering its coast alive by cultivating a maritime consciousness. The Bolivian Navy takes part in many parades and government functions, but none more so than the Día Del Mar (Day of the Sea) in which Bolivia, every year, asks for the coast territories lost to Chile during the War of the Pacific (fought between Peru and Bolivia against Chile) from 1879 to 1884. This is still a sore point for Bolivia, influencing many modern day political actions and trade decisions.
Naval vessels included several dozen boats, dozen or more of which are for riverine patrol, including the piranias, and riders, powerful river boats. Also ocean ships including the PR-51- Santa Cruz de la Sierra made in the USA, and several seagoing vessels that navigate the oceans with the Bolivian flag, with the granted permission of the "Capitanias Navales" Naval Registration Office. The Libertador Simón Bolívar, a ship acquired from Venezuela, use to navigate from its home port in Rosario, Argentina on the River Paraná. In 1993, the Navy was formally renamed the Naval Force (Fuerza Naval) and moved with the Bolivian Army under a single military authority.
Most of the officers are often educated in the Naval Academy where they graduate with a BS in Military and Naval Science, diploma accredited by the Military University and then they do other studies at the bachelor’s degree and master’s level. Argentina has their Naval Military Group in Bolivia advising at the highest level in naval strategy and tactics. Many Bolivian officers practice ocean sailing in Argentinean big naval ships. The Bolivian Navy has several Special Forces units to address both internal and external conflicts. Bolivian Naval Force covers the extensive river and lake Bolivian territory divided between the following functions Naval Districts, note that the names of these units are derived from the basin or region where they operate:
The Marine component of the FNB originated with the creation of the Marine Battalion Almirante Grau in the early 1980s.This unit of 600 men is based on Tiquina naval base on Lake Titicaca.Later changes name to Marine Battalion Independence, based in Chua (Not to be confused with the Independence RI17 EB).At present this battalion maintains a similar number of troops including premilitares. Staff of this unit is part of Task Force Blue Devils or are stationed in various naval bases.There are currently seven infantry battalions which are distributed as follows:
Landlocked Bolivia has not become reconciled with the loss of its coast to Chile, and the Navy exists to keep the hope of recovering its coast alive by cultivating a maritime consciousness. The Bolivian Navy takes part in many parades and government functions, but none more so than the Día Del Mar (Day of the Sea) in which Bolivia, every year, asks for the coast territories lost to Chile during the War of the Pacific (fought between Peru and Bolivia against Chile) from 1879 to 1884. This is still a sore point for Bolivia, influencing many modern day political actions and trade decisions.
The Navy is organized into ten naval districts, with flotilla headquarters in Guaqui, Guayaramerín, Puerto Suarez, Riberalta, and San Pedro de Tiquina, and bases in Puerto Busch, Puerto Horquilla, Puerto Villarroel, Trinidad, and Rurrenabaque.Naval vessels included several dozen boats, dozen or more of which are for riverine patrol, including the piranias, and riders, powerful river boats. Also ocean ships including the PR-51- Santa Cruz de la Sierra made in the USA, and several seagoing vessels that navigate the oceans with the Bolivian flag, with the granted permission of the "Capitanias Navales" Naval Registration Office. The Libertador Simón Bolívar, a ship acquired from Venezuela, use to navigate from its home port in Rosario, Argentina on the River Paraná. In 1993, the Navy was formally renamed the Naval Force (Fuerza Naval) and moved with the Bolivian Army under a single military authority.
Most of the officers are often educated in the Naval Academy where they graduate with a BS in Military and Naval Science, diploma accredited by the Military University and then they do other studies at the bachelor’s degree and master’s level. Argentina has their Naval Military Group in Bolivia advising at the highest level in naval strategy and tactics. Many Bolivian officers practice ocean sailing in Argentinean big naval ships. The Bolivian Navy has several Special Forces units to address both internal and external conflicts. Bolivian Naval Force covers the extensive river and lake Bolivian territory divided between the following functions Naval Districts, note that the names of these units are derived from the basin or region where they operate:
- DN1 Primer Distrito Naval "BENI"- DN1 First Naval District "BENI"
- DN2 Segundo Distrito Naval- "MAMORE"- DN2 Second Naval District "MAMORA"
- DN3 Tercer Distrito Naval "MADERA" -DN3 Third Naval District "WOOD"
- DN4 Cuarto Distrito Naval "TITICACA" -DN4 Fourth Naval District Titicaca
- DN5 Quinto Distrito Naval "SANTA CRUZ DE LA SIERRA" -DN5 Fifth Naval District "SANTA CRUZ DE LA SIERRA"
- DN6 Sexto Distrito Naval "COBIJA" -Sixth Naval District DN6 "Shelter"
- Besides the naval aereas:
- AN 1 "COCHABAMBA"- AN 1 "Cochabamba"
- AN 3 "BERMEJO" -AN 3 "Red"
- AN 4 "LA PAZ" -AN 4 "PEACE"
- And the special units:
- Fuerza de Tarea "Diablos Azules"- Task Force "Blue Devils"
- Servicio de Inteligencia Naval - SINDA Naval Intelligence Service - SINDA
- Grupo de Reacción Inmediata GRIN -Immediate Response Group GRIN
- El Centro de Instrucción de Buceo en Altura- The Diving Training Center in Height
- Command Training Center Amphibians
Marine corps
Naval Bolivian Infantry/Photo US Navy |
Naval Bolivian Infantry on top of inflatable boats.
- Primer Distrito Naval "BENI"- First Naval District "BENI"
- Batallón de Infantería de Marina I "Bagué"- Marine battalion I "Bagué"
- Segundo Distrito Naval "MAMORE"- Second Naval District "MAMORA"
- Batallón de Infantería de Marina II "Tocopilla"- Marine Battalion II "Tocopilla"
- Tercer Distrito Naval "MADERA"- Third Naval District "WOOD"
- Batallón de Infantería de Marina III "Mejillones"- Marine Battalion III "mussels"
- Cuarto Distrito Naval "TITICACA"- Fourth Naval District Titicaca
- Batallón de Infantería de Marina IV "Alianza " -Marine Infantry Battalion IV "Alliance"
- Batallón de Infantería de Marina Mecanizada VI "Independencia"- Marine Infantry Battalion Mechanized VI "Independence"
- Quinto Distrito Naval "SANTA CRUZ DE LA SIERRA"- Fifth Naval District "SANTA CRUZ DE LA SIERRA"
- Batallón de Infantería de Marina V "Calama"- Marine Battalion V Calama
- Sexto Distrito Naval "COBIJA"- Sixth Naval District "Shelter"
- Batallón de Infantería de Marina VII "Columna Porvenir"- Marine Battalion VII "Columna Porvenir"
- National Marine Security Corps
This specialty is essentially similar to its counterpart in the Army, carrying out operations such as Important Persons Protection (IPP) Physical Security (SEF) or Patrol Facility (PAT), with additions such as signals or naval protocol.There Naval detachments of PM in all district headquarters or FNB Naval Area.But only have the following units at the Battalion:
- AN 4 " La Paz "- AN 4 "Peace"
- Batallón de Policía Militar Naval N° 1- Naval Military Police Battalion No. 1
- AN 1 "COCHABAMBA"- AN 1 "Cochabamba"
- Batallón de Policia Militar Naval N° 2 "Carcaje"- Naval Military Police Battalion No. 2 "Quiver"
- Batallón de Policía Militar Naval N° 3 -Naval Military Police Battalion No. 3
- Cuarto Distrito Naval "TITICACA"- Fourth Naval District Titicaca
- Batallón de Policía Militar Naval N° 4- Naval Military Police Battalion No. 4
The Bolivian Navy has a total of 173 vessels, mostly stationed on Lake Titicaca:- PATROL:
- 1 Class PR-51
- 6 class boats Cap. Bretel Bretel
- 4 patrol boats lake
- 32 Boston Whaler
- 8 Piranha assault boats Mk.1
- 3 Boats hospitals
- 2 Transport of hydrocarbons
- 2 Tanker Ships
- 1 Transport
- 1 Ship "Naval School"
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Cessna 402/Photo AHUNT |
Bolivia's navy operates two utility aircraft for the use of headquarters.
- Cessna 206 Stationair
- Cessna 402